Cauliflower All Year Round - 8 Cell

Cauliflower All Year Round - 8 Cell

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Cauliflower All Year Round is a quick growing, flavoursome vegetable that produces a crisp, edible white flower head. High in vitamin B, C and K and low in fat, carbohydrates and protein Cauliflower All Year can be enjoyed either raw or cooked and can be blanched, frozen, roasted and pickled. Requiring a position in full sun Cauliflower should be planted in well-drained soil that has been that has been enriched with compost or manure prior to planting and water regularly to ensure the soil stays moist. Adding mulch on top of your garden bed will help retain moisture in the soil. Plant Cauliflower alongside Beans and Celery Cauliflowers reach maturity at 8-10 weeks and should be planted 45cm apart.